Friday, March 30, 2012

Meet the Gang

A mysterious postcard from Lizzie arrived today.  Not only did it's front give us no hint as to it's origin, it appears to have made the trip without a postmark.  Very mysterious indeed...

But, while my sister and I were contemplating it's origin ("it has to be someone we know because it's addressed to the kids by name..."), the kids were more concerned with content of the message.

"These are Lizzie's new friends," my niece told me, presenting the side stickered for my inspection.  
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes," she said, "since he moved away from the farm he had to start a new gang."

"This," my nephew added, enthusiastically tapping the paper, "is the gang."
I couldn't help but wonder how the gang was traveling with goldfish...

Another fun thing about this postcard (in addition to the aura of mystery and the awesome stickers) was the silly rhyme printed in the corner.

In any case, our best guess is that this postcard came from Richmond, Virginia. Hopefully Lizzie (and the gang) had a chance to check out some of the local attractions and scour Carytown for some quality restaurant leftovers.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lizzie Goes International!

Lending further support to my theory that Lizzie is traveling via teleport, we got a postcard from Edinburgh, Scotland today.

The note on the back read: 

Hi guys,

I went to an art gallery today and met this girl and this cat. They were painted hundreds of years ago. Isn't that amazing? I guess that makes them hundreds of years old. Well, they sure look good.

Love, from Lizzie

In other Lizzie-related news, the kids have decided that any day now they will be receiving a postcard from Lizzie that says he is singing on Broadway.  We have no idea where this idea came from but they shared with us Lizzie's vocal warm-ups, "me, me, me, meeeeeoooowwwww."  This also spawned a hilarious conversation between my sister and me:

Me: Yes, instead of Phantom of the Opera, he can star in Cat of the Opera.

My Sister:  Or... (looking at me like I was missing the obvious suggestion)

Me: OH, or Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!

My Sister: Seriously?

Me: OHHHHHH, or Cats!

My Sister: And there you go....

Monday, March 26, 2012

Greetings from the Windy City!

Today a postcard came from Chicago. When we read it to the kids they were more interested in the fact that Lizzie had been on the ferris wheel than they were that the river turned green for St. Patrick's Day.

Me: Can you believe that the river turns green every year for St. Patrick's Day?

My Niece: Lizzie went on this ferris wheel! (pointing at the picture)

Me: And they dye the river green every year for St. Patrick's Day!

My Niece: And Lizzie went on this ferris wheel! (pointing more vigorously at the picture)

Me: Okay, but...


Me: Yes he did.

Later I suggested that Lizzie is traveling by teleport and climbs into one of those transport tubes at the bank drive thru and gets "sucked" from one destination to the next.  They eyed me suspiciously and finally my nephew said, "no, Auntie Anne, Lizzie takes CatAir..."  Obviously a much more believable method of transportation.  Silly Auntie Anne.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sardines for Lunch


Today's postcard came from Northern Virginia and had a short and sweet message: 

          Picnic season at the park is starting!
          Love, Lizzie
Hilarious things about this card:
  1. The cartoon cat on the front looks like a fat Lizzie, 
  2. there is a sticker that says, "hugs and kittens,"and
  3. the handwriting looks suspiciously like the handwriting I remember on notes from Santa!

Lizzie Goes to the Big Apple!

After a few days of silence, we received three postcards from Lizzie yesterday and they were all from New York City!

It's one small kitty in one big city!

The first postcard had a picture of Times Square and included the following message: 

Hello Dear Friends!
You have to visit New York City some time!  But be careful - there are cars EVERYWHERE!  I had to look carefully before I crossed the street!  You would love the city!  There are so many fun stores!  You would enjoy the M&M store - there are M&M's in all kinds of colors!  I hope all is well!

Love, Lizzie 

The second postcard had pictures of famous NYC sights and included the following note:

Greetings from the Big Apple!  Ran my first half marathon and had a blast!  On the front are some of the many things I saw.  Hope all is well, I hear you were in New Zealand.  I'm sure you all had a fantastic time!

Love, Lizzie

The third and final NYC postcard was a collage of famous destinations and included a hilarious message:

Hi Guys!

Can you believe I actually went to New York City?  See all the huge buildings and amazing sculptures?  They're so big, they make me feel like a little mouse.  Ahem, speaking of mice, these New York mice are quite pushy and fast, and I haven't been able to catch one!  But I like all the leftover bits 'n pieces of snacks all the tourists drop.  I hope you're enjoying the farm!

Love, Lizzie

My niece and nephew were adamant about heading home with the postcards as soon as they were retrieved from the post office box.  There was "someone else" that they needed to show the postcards to immediately.  The mysterious someone else turned out to be Fluffer Muffin, one of the remaining kittens from Lizzie's litter: 

Monday, March 19, 2012

We Got Our First Postcard!

We were so excited to get our first postcard from Lizzie on Saturday!  The back (see below) read as follows: 

Dear _____ & _____, 
Having fun with Camilla and Gonzo!
Love, Lizzie

The postcard came from Pennsylvania.  Having said that, after explaining to the kids that the Muppets are actors that live in Hollywood, my niece informed us that Lizzie probably took the cat airline ("you know the one with the cat pilot - the one just for cats") to California.  When my sister questioned her further about this cat airline, we learned it was called CatAir and served only Meow Mix and milk during flights... you know, the cat airline... you've probably heard of it.  Muhahaha...

Lizzie - Thanks for the awesome postcard, we can't wait to get your next travel update!