Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lap It Up!

The past two weeks at the farm have been wildly busy.  In addition to my sister and brother-in-law attempting to manage the unpredictable weather (it’s spring; it’s snowing; it’s 80 degrees; there’s a frost coming tonight; etc.) and its effect on the crops, we had a yard sale.  This seemed like an amazingly good idea last fall when we came up with the arbitrary dates of April 20th & 21st.  It wasn’t.  It was, in fact, a terrible idea.  We spent all week sorting, cleaning and digging through closets, storage spaces and the barn.  And this was all in addition to working real jobs…  As for the actual yard sale, I will be positive and say this: we got rid of a lot of stuff (mostly via donations to Goodwill) and the weather mostly cooperated.

In the meantime, I got a little behind (four postcards to be exact) updating Lizzie’s travels.  But don't worry, he is still on the move and we are still happily accepting postcards (hint, hint, SEND US A POSTCARD).  Meanwhile, I will preemptively apologize for the multiple postings.  First up, Lizzie traveled through Roanoke, Virginia and sent us this very silly postcard along the way:

The inscription, if you can't make it out in the picture: 

Hey Ya'll,

I shared my bowl of milk with this boy & he drank it like I drink!  Happy Spring!

Love, Lizzie

Stay tuned...  more to come!

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