Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Letter From Home

One of the more amusing parts about Lizzie’s postcards is the change in his tone from message to message. Sometimes he sounds wide-eyed and curious.  Other times he seems confident and savvy.  He almost always sounds happy to be exploring and occasionally expresses a bit of homesickness.  In the last card that came before Easter, Lizzie seems to have acted on the homesickness…

This card was postmarked in Smithsburg, Maryland – where we live – and had a distinctly loving (dare I say “grandmotherly”) tone.  But I’m just the blogger – you be the judge:

Dear ____ & _____, 

I was in your area last night!! I had to come to Smithsburg to get some extra things for my travels.  I stopped to visit, but you were sleeping!  I was glad to see ____ in his car bed.  _____ was cuddled in her bed with her stuffed animals.  I really miss you, but oh am I ever enjoying my travels.  Do you like the cards you are getting?

Things in Smithsburg look "springy."  Hope you are enjoying the warm weather.

Love, Lizzie

PS - I had a snack with Fluffer at Pap & Cilda's.*  She said she is visiting both houses now and enjoys living on ______ Road.  We may room together if I ever decide to settle down.  Love you!


* Pap & Cilda are the kids’ grandparents.  They live next door and may or may not be attempting to coax Fluffer Muffin into living with them… the subject is under debate.

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