Saturday, April 7, 2012

Meet the Cousins

Okay, so when I said I would post the Alabama postcards, “tomorrow,” I guess I really meant, “midnight on Saturday while waiting for my brother-in-law to finish mowing the lawn.” *  

Many apologies to Lizzie fans everywhere!  In the meantime, Lizzie has been doing quite a bit of traveling.  In order, the kids received a postcard from Connecticut, a postcard from Alabama, a letter from Alabama, a postcard from Texas, a postcard from South Padre Island (which, of course, is also Texas), another postcard from Richmond and a letter from here in town.  So, starting with Lizzie's Alabama adventures:

On Monday, we received this postcard with the following message: 

Dear Farmhands, 

Just look at this big water bowl!! It's not too easy to drink from but some usually spills over the sides.
I'm going to find the big kitties everyone here talks about.  Wish me luck. 

Love, Lizzie  
After reading this postcard, the kids and I got on the internet and discovered that the University of Northern Alabama are the Lions.  We even found a picture of their mascots, Leo and Una.  We wondered (my nephew especially) if the lions were friendly and would be happy to visit with Lizzie.

Leo and Una - UNA Mascots
My nephew: They're really very big guys.

Me: Yes they are - lions are pretty big animals.

My nephew:  Will they be nice to Lizzie?

Me: I would think so - I mean, they're practically cousins. 

My nephew: Oh my goooo , Lizzie's cousins are lions!

My niece: We don't say, "oh my God."

My nephew: I said, "oh my gosh."

My niece: No you didn't. Auntie Anne, did he say "oh my God?"

Me: ...look at the lions! **

Our questions (and my nephew's concerns for Lizzie's safety) were quickly addressed the next day when we received a follow-up letter from Lizzie in Alabama.  He even included a magazine article about Leo and Una!  My nephew was very impressed.  My niece declared that this card is now her, "new favorite letter from Lizzie."

Tomorrow I will post the Texas postcards. ***  Also, please note: although I have been slightly remiss in posting, please know that the kids have been LOVING hearing from Lizzie.  Thanks again to everyone who has (or is going to) send us a note from our favorite traveling kitty!


* Why is he mowing the lawn in the middle of the night?  Oh, because it’s Easter and here at the farm the Easter bunny has delivered the traditional Easter croquet set.  Feeling confused?  Here is the CliffsNotes version: My niece and nephew have been eying an old croquet set they spotted in the rafters of the barn for the last few weeks.  My sister thought it would be a fun Easter present.  But, since it’s not in a box, we are going to set it up in the yard.  Which leads to the lawn.  Although Butterball (the pony) has been working diligently at keeping the grass down, the weather lately has led to a bit of a growth surge.  So, here we sit...

** What my nephew actually said is unclear.  However, you can't even say something similar to something on the banned list without being corrected by our live-in, five-year-old manners cop.  Just yesterday I was corrected three times in thirty minutes for 1.) saying "stupid" 2.) saying "oh my God" and 3.) talking with my mouth full.  HA.

*** Tomorrow (today) is Easter so I can't promise it will actually be tomorrow.  But I will do my best.  Happy Easter to all and to all a good night!

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